Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Daily (?) Zsketch - 01

I'm currently working on the morph targets for Shinobou, all in all I'm looking at at least sixty morph targets in all so it will take a few days till I see a result in that. It's not necessarily the making of the morphs that takes the time, I reckon I could easily get that out of the way in a solid day of work, but its the reaction manager stuff which takes ages and is kinda uncreative. Nevertheless I'm working on getting that done as soon as possible and the current tests are looking pretty cool. In the meantime I'm still trying to get to grips with Zbrush so I'm undertaking a Zsketch a day challenge, it might be pretty difficult to stick to with deadlines, but a few hours sketching in ZBrush a day should hone my skills pretty fast I think. Here's the first, inspired slightly by David Meng's fantastic work on District 9 (one of my favourite films) I learnt tonnes on it and even though it doesnt look like much I'm really pleased with the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hey bro, it's pretty awesome sculpt, liking the form on the head and details, pretty good practice, definitely keep this up, will improve a lot and it's cool! Have a guud one! =)
