So finished the first pass of the displacement map, its basically just the wrinkles, I'll multiply a layer of noise and pores over this, that should really finish things. I realise some of the wrinkles are a bit harsh at the moment but the beauty of displacement maps is you can easily tone stuff down in Photoshop as its all greyscale.
I'm also posting my displacement settings, as this took a lot of time to work out.
The key seems to be the RGB offset, this seems to determine how much effect the map has, a low value (-1) caves in the mesh whilst a high value (+1) bulges it out, giving a kind of elephantiasis effect:
Nice work bro, elephantiasis looks pretty baaad though.. =) Great work on the displacements, I never managed to get it working myself but thank you for sharing.. =) Have a guud one! =)