Thursday, 20 October 2011

Environment Progress IV

Just a fairly quick update, this plinth has taken literally the best part of two days. Not sure in retrospect it was worth the time but it was an interesting prop to make. I basically used sub div modelling in Maya to get the right shapes, then took it into Zbrush and projected some blocks onto it. Works fine in theory, but holes in the target mesh hugely complicate the process. The diffuse and spec need some work, but I need to see how it feels in the environment. The plinth will be a central island in some murky water, so I will probably want it to feel very mossy and green.


  1. Bro! =), I'm LOVING your Lighting and Patterns.. so AWESOME! =) Let's meet up soon mkay =) Cheers Cheers! =)

  2. Nice,very professional.
    Only one criticism:
    It's IV not IIII :D
