Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Environment Progress III - Good boy Zbrush

More work on the environment, finished all the modular pieces. Just leaves a tonne of objects to break up the monotony of the scene. I'm pretty pleased with how it;s going so far, considering it's only made up of a few objects I think they almost carry the environment on their own. The worry was that it would be really obvious that the scene was made up of repeated pieces, but so far the only piece which looks repeated is the floor, which is also the easiest to break up.

I also solved my import issue. Thankfully Zbrush will clean-up any issues when you import into Zbrush. I discovered this by chance but it's a feature that Maya should definitely have. It's saved a load of hassle having to blindly try to line up the low and high poly mesh for Xnormal.