Monday, 24 October 2011

Environment Progress VII

Finally finished the environment for handing in. I wouldn't say it was necessarily in a finished state, but it's got to be handed in. I'm quite happy with it, especially considering it's my first endeavour into both Maya and UDK and not being totally comfortable in Zbrush. Personally I'm slightly disappointed with the final result, A lot of the assets I created I felt were quite mature and professional looking but the looming deadline pushed me to create something that feels a little more immature, perhaps relying on post processing in UDK a little too much. It also feels very bare which is purely due to a lack of time, unfortunately there are multiple assets that I didn't have time  to create meaning the area feels quite empty and not grounded in it's environment.

On the positives I think I probably learnt more on this project than potentially in any others. I'm comfortable in both Maya and UDK, two programmes that I had no prior experience with. Creating an environment with two brand new programmes and making it look OK in two weeks is an achievement in itself. I'm looking forward to doing more environment work now that I know my way around the software a little better.


  1. Feels really awesome bro, the foliage really adds character to your area and brings along the textures you have in the stonework. Good job bro, especially since we were learning how to use Maya and UDK at the same time. =) Cheers Cheers =)
